Sky light: redefine the new development direction of the lighting industry

  Never before has there been such a strong awareness of the positive effects of the natural environment on human physical and mental health as it is today. For lighting, we are no longer purely pursuing light effects, but more adding the positive impact of light on people. How to pursue harmony and symbiosis between man and nature in a healthy and natural light environment has also become the consensus of the lighting industry.

The era of sky lights is coming: let the sun live in the room

In natural healing, light and blue sky are both important expressions. However, there are still many people whose living and working environments do not have sunlight or have poor lighting conditions, such as hospital wards, subway stations, office spaces, etc. In the long run, it is not only bad for the health, but also makes people feel impatient and stressful. Affect mental health.

So is there a possibility that people can enjoy the blue sky, white clouds and sunshine even in the dark basement?

The sky light makes this imagination a reality. In real nature, because there are countless tiny particles invisible to the naked eye in the atmosphere, when sunlight passes through the atmosphere, short-wavelength blue light hits these small particles and scatters, making the sky appear blue. This phenomenon is called the Rayleigh effect. The "blue sky light" designed on this principle will present a very natural and comfortable lighting effect, as if it is actually placed under the sky outside, and installed indoors, which is equivalent to installation. A skylight.

It is understood that the world's first LED lamp that simulates natural light best based on this principle was developed by the Italian Coelux company. At the 2018 Frankfurt Lighting Fair in Germany, a daylight simulation equipment developed by Italy Coelux-the Coelux system attracted wide attention from exhibitors; at the beginning of 2020, Japan's Mitsubishi Electric launched a lighting system called "Misola". The LED display screen can simulate the blue sky picture, and it has already gathered a high degree of topic in the lighting market before it is sold to the outside world. In addition, the well-known brand Dyson has also launched a lamp called Lightcycle, which can simulate natural light within a day based on the human body clock.

The development potential of sky lights is evident.

Created on:2021-05-18 14:28